MyTutor has delivered over 4 million lessons (and counting!)

That's 4 million hours of quality tutoring delivered to pupils nationwide
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It’s official, we’ve now delivered over 4 million lessons! 

That's 4 million hours of top tuition for pupils. This means students nationwide have benefited from online tutoring to help them build confidence, raise grades and excel. 

In addition, we’ve also reached over 1500 schools, another big milestone in the MyTutor journey. It’s a huge honour to play a small part in so many schools' strategies to support their pupils' attainment and achievement. We're looking forward to the year ahead and supporting even more schools! 


The impact of 4 million lessons

Our mission is to deliver high-quality, affordable tuition to pupils regardless of their background. And reaching 4 million lessons delivered is certainly a huge milestone for us in achieving this goal. 

Our research shows that pupils make the most progress after 10 lessons or more, with some students going up a whole grade. Last academic year, 97% of pupils gave us positive feedback and 73% felt that their MyTutor lessons made them feel more motivated to achieve their future goals. 

To see so many pupils learning with MyTutor is a phenomenal feeling! 

Here’s what some of our pupils have told us: 

“Now that I’ve worked with MyTutor I’ve noticed there’s a boost in my confidence and a boost in my overall exam scores. I feel so much happier in the lessons. I know that I’ve got a person who supports me.” Year 13 pupil, Wirral Grammar School

“I rarely find English easy and it doesn’t help that I have dyslexia. After using MyTutor, everything became clearer to me and I can understand English in a way I couldn’t before.”  Year 8 pupil, Basildon Lower Academy

What do teachers have to say? 

“Pupils have made big steps. Those who attended ten or more sessions have gone up a full grade.” Assistant Headteacher, Farlingaye High School 

“If it wasn’t for MyTutor one pupil wouldn’t have engaged with school. He had a lengthy suspension and it was really only because of the sessions that he was able to take his GCSEs. He said if it wasn’t for MyTutor he probably wouldn’t have found a passion for studying.” SENCO, Wixams Academy 

A big thank you to all our school partners, MyTutor students and, of course, our fantastic tutors for all their hard work. Plus, well done to the MyTutor team behind the scenes who work so hard to make these lessons possible. 

We're thrilled to have reached this milestone and are committed to continuing our mission by aiming high for the next 4 million lessons delivered… watch this space!