School Intervention Benchmark

Discover the maturity of your intervention strategies, compared to 1500+ other Secondary Schools across the country.
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Benchmark your schools

Compare interventions
and get inspiration
The School Intervention Benchmark, fuelled by data from 1500+ schools, is your tool to discover how your intervention strategy compares and get some inspiration from other schools.

Build confidence in your intervention toolkit
Schools are faced with complex and diverse learner needs, while needing to do more with less budget. Effective interventions are crucial to support pupils who need additional support.

Get a personalised report
for your school
You’ll find out where you are on your intervention journey across key categories, from a ‘Wanderer’ just beginning to understand the benefits of different interventions, to a ‘Master’.

Support your strategy
This is your tool to help plan your strategy now and long-term. Understand your current interventions, their impact and ROI, and how to advance your strategy to maximise impact.

Get data-led insights
With data-led insights from over 10 years of deep sector experience, we guide you through what interventions will be most-impactful for your pupils and how to implement them effectively.

Learn from 1500+ schools
Your report includes personalised suggestions based on your persona, current position and short and long-term goals. We provide inspiration, advice and data to help you maximise your impact.
Find out if you're a Horizon Scanner, Wanderer, Tracker, Explorer, Pioneer or a Master
Benchmark your learning interventions today and nail your 2024/25 strategy.

Going beyond interventions

After supporting nearly half of Secondary Schools in England, as well as hundreds of thousands of learners through private tutoring, we are excited to be able to share back to schools the learner, intervention and impact-driving data-led insight that we've unearthed.
No prep needed, simply answer a handful of questions, and we'll create your totally unique and personalised report, crunching data-points from our research infused with DfE sourced inputs, and you'll receive a tailored report on your current state of play and next steps (including some relevant new funding options!).
We've taught over 4 million lessons, but the magic is found in the deep partnerships that we have built with schools and learners, empowering us to understand the steps to build a truly effective and modern provision for today's student and school needs.
The evidence of our impact is well-proven:
Tutoring is brilliant as it gives our students an extra boost with softer skills like confidence, as well as supporting what we do in the classroom. On average, our students made 2-3 grades worth of progress from their target grades, and in particular, our disadvantaged students made at least half a grade's worth of progress. - Assistant Headteacher

Tuition is one of the best evidenced interventions we have to support disadvantaged pupils’ attainment.

There is a strong perception amongst school staff of impact of the NTP on pupil self-confidence, attainment, and on them catching up with their peers.

[Tutoring is] high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence.

We chose MyTutor 7 years ago and we haven’t looked back since. We find them extremely easy to work with, very communicative and the support they provided in our onboarding, as well as to the pupils in their daily sessions, has been fantastic. - Head of Year 7

Tutoring is brilliant as it gives our students an extra boost with softer skills like confidence, as well as supporting what we do in the classroom. On average, our students made 2-3 grades worth of progress from their target grades, and in particular, our disadvantaged students made at least half a grade's worth of progress. - Assistant Headteacher

MyTutor is accessible because it’s a bespoke programme tailored to each individual need. - Deputy Headteacher

Pupils have made big steps. Those who attended ten or more sessions have gone up a full grade. - Assistant Headteacher