Complaints policy

MyTutor is committed to providing a good standard of quality services to our customers and will take any concern or complaint seriously. We will look into these promptly, for resolution as quickly as possible.  for resolution as quickly as possible.

We recognise that all of our customers have the right to:

  • Raise concerns or complaints about our services
  • Have access to clear information on how to voice complaints and concerns

MyTutor will keep a register of all complaints, which will be reviewed regularly and will form part of the process of monitoring the quality and effectiveness of our services. 

MyTutor strives for high standards in service delivery and welcomes feedback from our customers on all aspects of our services. Such feedback is invaluable in helping us evaluate and improve our work.

The objectives of MyTutor’s Complaints Policy are to:

  • Ensure everyone knows how to make a complaint and how a complaint will be handled
  • Ensure that complaints are dealt with consistently, fairly and sensitively within clear time frames
  • Provide customers with a fair and effective way to complain about our work
  • Ensure that complaints are monitored to improve our services

MyTutor will ensure that we:

  • Listen carefully to complaints and treat complaints as confidential, where required
  • Record, store and manage all complaints accurately and in accordance with the Data protection Act
  • Investigate the complaint fully, objectively and within the stated time frame
  • Notify the complainant of the results of the investigation 
  • Inform the complainant of any action that will be implemented in order to ensure that there is no recurrence
  • Conduct an internal annual review of the complaints received, the actions taken, and the relevant outcomes to help inform our product & services

Definition of a complaint

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction by an individual where they feel the level of service has not been delivered at a satisfactory level. 

A customer may make a complaint if they feel MyTutor has:

  • Failed to provide a service, an acceptable standard of service, or made a mistake in the way the service was provided
  • Failed to act in a proper way

Complaints Procedure

MyTutor aims to settle the majority of complaints quickly and satisfactorily by the member of staff who provides the service. The complaint may be resolved quickly by way of an apology or by an acceptable explanation to the individual.

There are three stages to the complaint’s procedure:

  • Stage One – The Complaint
  • Stage Two – Investigation
  • Stage Three - Follow-up post-investigation

Stage One - Complaint

Complaints can be shared with our team via email (, via live chat or phone (020 3773 6020) or via their dedicated Education Partnership Manager. The complaint can be written, or if the individual prefers they can tell someone at MyTutor, who will write it down for them.

The complaint should include the complainant's name, school, the nature and date of the complaint and how they want to see it resolved. 

On receipt, each complaint will be allocated a reference number and logged on the Complaints Register. Complainants will receive an acknowledgement within 2 working days of receipt of a complaint.

Stage Two - Investigation

All complaints at this stage will be dealt with by an Education Partnership Manager. If they need to meet with the complainant, they will do so within seven working days of receiving the written complaint.

Complaints will be fully investigated and a written response provided to the complainant where required.

Stage Three - Follow-up of investigation

As above, where required, the complainant will receive written confirmation of the outcome of any investigation and any recommendations/remedies made, such as reviewing of policies, staff development and training or appropriate improvement to our services. Occasionally investigations may take longer, particularly if the complaint is complex. Should this be the case, this will be clearly communicated with the customer and a deadline provided. 

Anonymous Complaints

Complaints received anonymously will be recorded and considered, but action may be limited if further information is required to ensure a full and fair investigation.


If the complainant is unhappy with the outcome of the complaint, they have seven days to appeal. When we confirm the outcome of the complaint to the complainant in writing we will include who they can appeal to within that communication.

The person dealing with the appeal will be different from the person who dealt with the complaint and more senior than them (we can also choose someone who isn’t employed by us but has the skills to deal with the appeal, like an HR consultant).

We will hold an appeal review, normally within 14 days of receiving the appeal. If we need to investigate anything that is discussed at the appeal then we will do so after the appeal review and may need to discuss with the complainant again following this.

We endeavour where possible to give the complainant a decision within 10 working days of the appeal review, if that’s not possible we will let the complainant know.