Hassenbrook Academy

Supporting pupils in their core subjects
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5 minutes

As a small comprehensive of only 600 pupils located in Stanford, Essex - Hassenbrook Academy wanted to give further support to their pupils in Maths, Science and English. Targeted 1:1 tutoring was the answer.


The challenge

Hassenbrook Academy is based in a fairly deprived socioeconomic area and they were having attendance issues – particularly with their pupils from underprivileged backgrounds. 

With the help of MyTutor, they hoped to tackle this issue.


The programme

The Academy’s MyTutor programme focused primarily on Year 11 pupils and they ran a 1:1 tutoring programme for all pupils who were interested in developing their core subjects: Maths, Science and English. 

1:1 tuition is an effective intervention for pupils who need a higher level of support and can improve engagement with learning.


The impact

Hassenbrook saw positive results from their programme. In particular, the levels of progress for pupils in Maths was fantastic with the school telling us: “This year we’ve seen 0.8 levels of progress in one cohort for Maths which is the best we’ve ever had.”


The experience

We're proud to work with a school such as Hassenbrook to tackle attendance issues and prevent pupils from falling behind. 

And the school certainly agrees, reporting that they’d definitely recommend MyTutor to other schools looking to improve results.


Have you downloaded our latest Impact Report? Find out how more schools, just like Hassenbrook Academy, are making an impact through online tutoring this year- as well as exclusive insights from our latest teacher and pupil survey, up-to-date funding and programme information. 

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