Tamworth Enterprise College

Helping Year 10 and 11 pupils raise their confidence – and GCSE grades
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4 mins

Tamworth Enterprise College ran two programmes with MyTutor to help Year 11 pupils improve their academic performance. 

After their targeted 1:1 tutoring programmes the results were very positive, with pupils reporting a boost in confidence and their grades. 


The challenge

The school worked with MyTutor across 2 programmes to address 2 different challenges. The first challenge was to support Year 11 pupils in Maths and English, across two particular groups. Firstly, the high-achievers, who needed a boost to take their grades to the next level - those pupils who were potentially chasing 9s at GCSE. 

Secondly, the school wanted to help pupils who were on the Grade 4-5 borderline - those who needed to really try and consolidate their learning to get them over the threshold and reach their full potential. 

The other challenge focused on their Year 10 pupils. "They're quite a small year group, so we managed to secure MyTutor for the whole year during the lockdown period between February and May for six weeks," says a school leader at Tamworth Enterprise College. 

This way, with tutoring, the school could continue to engage pupils despite the challenges at the time. 


The programme

The school launched two MyTutor programmes, and thankfully the majority of pupils showed great commitment to the programme and enjoyed their sessions. School finished at 3pm, so they had their MyTutor sessions from 3-4pm, giving their learning that extra boost outside of the core timetable. 

"Those that really got into it were literally racing down, grabbing their headphones, and whacking them on!"

The impact

Tamworth Enterprise College is one of our schools that dove head-first into their programmes. Some pupils have been transformed by the experience and engagement was very high.


  • Boosted confidence (during difficult times) 

With lockdown happening in March, it was a tough time for teachers and pupils. And it was difficult for the school to assess and measure grade improvement for their Year 11 pupils. "But, looking at general success and confidence levels, I would say that we saw a massive improvement during that year," says a school leader. 


  • Inspired greatness 

MyTutor had a significant impact on one particular pupil: 

"This pupil is a high-achieving student and was chasing Grade 9s. But even when he was told that the exams wouldn't be happening that year due to COVID-19, he continued with MyTutor for four weeks."

"He did A-Level work so that he felt better about his knowledge in September and going forward. That shows an incredible level of commitment, drive and motivation. We weren't going to stop him!" 


The experience

The teachers at Tamworth Enterprise College were blown away by MyTutor's impact on its pupils. And, the practicalities of the programme ran smoothly, too. 

"Overall, running the programme was very straightforward. I really like the fact that you can log into the system and get feedback for every student, for every session that they take," says a school leader. 

The incredible engagement from both teachers and pupils more than paid off. 


A top tip or word of advice from the school 

"Some of our Year 10 boys have significant SEN needs, and they have absolutely loved the programme. From getting that regular feedback to working with a familiar face, the benefits have been incredible."


Have you downloaded our latest Impact Report? Find out how more schools, just like Tamworth Enterprise College, are making an impact through online tutoring this year- as well as exclusive insights from our latest teacher and pupil survey, up-to-date funding and programme information. 

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